In this day and age it’s near impossible to purchase a vehicle without obtaining car finance. Most if not everyone wants a new shining vehicle and if they cannot obtain a new one a used one will be a good alternative.
It seems that people have a change cycle of approximately every two to three years; this appears to be the ideal time for the need to change. This is quite odd as it appears that most people would actually prefer to change their car and obtain car finance again for the next vehicle, rather than paying off the total loan before buying another. This can be the result of some socio-economic issues. For instance, is it that the neighbour has recently changed their vehicle, or perhaps they have become bored of the existing one and see the new models released on television adverts and this triggers the compulsion to change it.
My opinion is that it has something to do with “keeping up with the Jones’s” syndrome. The need to appear successful and affluent compared to your peers is what drives many to change. Why have that old vehicle sitting in the drive for so many years, when you can obtain a new one by just changing your car finance deal.
The other thing to keep in mind are the people who just need to have the latest model, they are “into” their vehicles and read all the publications and reviews and then a deep seated urge to get it drives them to change. This is followed by a few visits to the local dealers to see what their missing, a sort of intel mission. If they then find the vehicle is just what they want then the compulsion to buy becomes almost unstoppable then they start to organise the car finance facilities to make it happen.
Car finance rates will not stop this person from buying as the need to buy will now outweigh the rates on the car finance and as long as they can get it organised there happy. Car finance is available to consumers here.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008